Rupture – multilingual anarchist distro
A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.
With Blood and Words – Evgenia Iaroslavskaia-Markon

“So, that is my life – the life of a schoolgirl-revolutionary, a student-dreamer, a friend and lover of the great man and poet Aleksandr Iaroslavskii, an eternal wanderer, an itinerant anti-religious lecturer, a writer for Rul, a street newspaper vendor, a thief with a long criminal record, and a traveling fortune-teller.” (from My Autobiography, E. Iaroslavskaia-Markon)

The manuscript, completed on February 3, 1931, anticipated by a few months the execution of the authour at the age of twenty-nine, which took place in the courtyard of the isolation block in the gulag of the Solovki Islands. The manuscript – thirty-nine pages written in dense, tight handwriting – was discovered in 1996 in the archives of the FSB headquarters of the Arkhangelsk region. In her autobiography, Evgeniia talks about herself, her life, her comrade and companion Aleksandr Iaroslavskii and their commitment in fighting ’til their last breath against the tyranny of the Bolshevik power.

Evegeniia Iaroslavskaia-Markon, With blood and words

133 pages / 6 euros

Printed Spring 2024

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