Rupture – multilingual anarchist distro
A book must be the axe for the frozen sea within us.
Catastrophism, disaster management and sustainable submission (out of print)
Categories: english books, Roofdruk

“The final extinction to which we are being dragged by the perpetuation of industrial society has over the last few years become our officially recognized future.”

This book examines the attempt by predominantly First World governments and NGOs to utilize the spectre of an environmental apocalypse as an alibi to save “industrial civilization” by imposing a rationed form of “survival”, justified by a terroristic propaganda campaign based on fear, enforced by an expansion of the state’s coercive powers, and facilitated by the mass conformism and resignation that “industrial society” has induced in the population by creating an “anxiogenic environment” of “insecurity and generalized instability”; “for the fears proclaimed by the experts … are in reality nothing but orders”.

a5 /102 pages/ 4 euros (currently out of print)

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